Eye model, 5 times enlarged VJ500A - Detailed view of the eyeball and the optic nerve - ts natural position in the orbit (floor and medial wall) - Useful to understand connections between eye, bones, muscles, and external structures of the eye
Eye model, 5 times enlarged, 12 parts VJ500A description:
This eye model offers a detailed view of the eyeball and the optic nerve in its natural position in the orbit (floor and medial wall). Besides, this eye model will help you understand the connections between eye, bones, muscles, and external structures of the eye.
Eye model, 5 times enlarged, 12 parts VJ500A details:
The following parts can be separated:
Two halves of the sclera Optic nerve M. rectus superior M. rectus lateralis Cornea half Eye lens Lachrymal system Vitreous humour Tear gland Associated structures